Judaism week

Let us help you plan and deliver your school’s Judaism Week.

More and more schools are now staging a Judaism or Other Faiths Week – an immersive way to cover the Judaism element of your Religious Education curriculum.

Choose from a whole-school single topic approach, such as Shabbat, the Jewish Day of Rest. Or, kick off your week with one of our Introduction to Judaism assemblies, then let Judaism For Schools deliver a range of in-school Judaism Week workshops across the whole school.

We can plan your week together, supply artefacts and worksheets. Parents are welcome at our assemblies and craft sessions.

Some schools chose just one topic to run throughout the school, such as Passover or Shabbat.

Others chose a wide variety of workshops, focusing on Shabbat and festival workshops in the Key Stage 1 and Torah, Jewish home and history in-school workshops in KS2 and KS3.

Alex Bristow, Head of RE, Yately School, Hampshire
Just a big thank you for a fantastic visit today. Your energy and enthusiasm really grabbed the students.