Black Lives Matter

We have all be appalled by the events in the USA this past week-  not only the sickening murder of George Floyd but also the ongoing racism and violence directed  towards thousands of peaceful protestors.


At Judaism for Schools we aim to break down barriers that divide us, looking for commonalities and shared experiences.

I’m often asked “Are there any Black Jews Ruth?” and the answer, of course, is yes.  There are Black Jews of all denominations – Ultra Orthodox, Orthodox, Liberal and secular. In Israel there are at least 150.00 Ethiopian Jews , and many say they  can trace their ancestry right back to the Lost Tribe of Dan.

And “do Black Jews face racism and discrimination”….sadly , yes, they do, and some of this racism comes from within the Jewish community itself.

Jewish communities around the world need to face up to the racism perpetuated within  our communities and educate and legislate against it  as much as other groups do.Many black Jews have spoken out about their experiences in the light of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Follow these links to find out more.

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